1 LATAM information office

2 Company logos

Resolution: 72 dpi / Format: JPEG

Format: PDF

Format: AI - CDR

3 Contact person for ASUTIL

4 Contact person for membership payment

5 Business Type

My companies are:

*Note: Applicants who are agents or licensees must supply a letter from the manufacturer confirming that the applicant company is the agent or licensee for that manufacturer’s products for the duty free and/or travel retail market.

6 Product categories:

Please indicate what types of products or services your company provides to the duty-free industry:

Keeping the key (ctrl) pressed, select the products in the list and then press the arrow to move them to selected ones.

7 Brands

Please list the brand names of the products you supply to airport duty free stores. If you are an agent or distributor, list only those brands for which you have a current, written agent or distribution agreement with the brand owner. If your company provides services, please provide a detailed description of these services.

8 Geographic representation

Please specify the geographic regions your company supply or intend to supply the above-listed products or services.

Holding down the key (ctrl) select the geographic regions in the list and then press the arrow to move them to selected.

9 Associated to:

Hold down "Control", or "Command" on a Mac, to select more than one.

Holding down the key (ctrl) select the associations in the list and then press the arrow to move them to selected.

10 How did you know ASUTIL?

11 Additional information

12 Consent (By-Law, fee y notice)

  • That we have read the By-Laws of ASUTIL and we commit ourselves to fulfill it.
  • That we accept the cost of USD 2500 and pledge to pay that annual fee on time.
  • That in case of withdrawal of the membership, we commit to inform you in writing one month in advance.
  • Share our contact information with all ASUTIL members.